How to enrol:

Simply fill out the form and submit

Once payment has been received I will confirm your place on your chosen course by phone or email.

For more course information please click below.

If you prefer to download the form click to download below.

Once printed please complete the form and send back to: Woodcote, Greenway Road, Bishops Lydeard,Taunton, Somerset TA4 3DD

Photographic and Filming Consent Form

We often take photos and filming during our classes/courses please can you download this form and complete when you attend your first class with me.

Enrolment Form

PLEASE NOTE: Before enrolling on a course you will need to attend or have attended an individual session so I can ensure that you and your dog are on the right course. Please contact me direct to book a session.

    Please complete the form below and select the payment method. Once the form is completed and payment is received I will confirm your place on the course via email or phone. Any lesson that I have to cancel will be carried forward

    I would like to enrol on the course: (please choose course)







    Dogs Name:




    Is your dog up to date with current vaccinations?

    If Yes Date of last vaccinations:

    If No has your dog been Titer tested?

    Do you use Nosodes?

    Is your dog up to date with worm/flea/tick treatments?

    Both of the below is required by law.
    Is your dog’s name tag up to date?
    Is your dog Microchipped?

    Which Veterinary Practice do you use?

    Any Clinical Problems?
    If Yes please give details:

    Please inform me of previous training and any training / behavioural issues:

    How did you hear about Animal Basics?



    Please select the payment method you will be using:

    Payment Details:
    The Cost for a Minehead 6 week course is £85 and £56 for a 4 week course. Bicknoller 6 week courses are £97.
    Please make cheques payable to Animal Basics and send to: Woodcote, Greenway Road, Bishops Lydeard,Taunton, Somerset TA4 3DD
    Please mark BACS transfer clearly with your name and the course you are applying for.
    My BACS Details are: SORT CODE: 12-24-82 ACCOUNT NUMBER: 06563495 Bank of Scotland. This is a business account.

    Once payment is received I will confirm your place on the course.

    NB: It is your responsibility to make sure that your dog is fit and able to take part. It is also your responsibility to inform me of any medical/health issues that you or your dog have that I need to be aware of.

    Please see my T&C's HERE