Dogs who are mentally stimulated tend to be more emotionally stable, gain in confidence and are keen to work for and with their owners.

Janet’s dog-training philosophy

“Each dog is different and has its own personality, whether it is a pedigree or of mixed breeding.  It is important for owners to understand and appreciate what job or jobs their dog was originally bred to do and to provide suitable stimulating outlets and training for them

Rescued or adopted dogs and cats bring their own special needs.  They can give and teach, so much in return for a secure, caring and loving home. Their past history may be limited, so it is important that potential owners realise the amount of time, effort, patience and understanding needed to help them.  But when they reach their full potential, the rewards are immeasurable…

An under-stimulated – or even an over-stimulated – bored dog has the potential to ‘do his or her own thing’ and become self-employed.

Dogs who are mentally stimulated tend to be more emotionally stable, gain in confidence and are keen to work for and with their owners. Exercise, both physical and mental together with the ability to switch off and settle, is essential.

Animals need guidance and boundaries, just as we do, in order to learn and grow as individuals.  The way we teach these are important.

The old theories of dominance – that your dog is trying to dominate you or you must dominate your dog – should be relegated to the history books.  Barry Eaton’s book, “Dominance in Dogs: Fact or Fiction” is a short book well worth reading which dispels the dominance myth.  It is available at

The positive training methods I use have been scientifically proven to be the most efficient way to train animals.

We need to learn to communicate with our dogs.  We owe it to them to take the time and put in the effort to understand how they communicate and see the world from their perspective and not just from ours.

If there are behavioural problems, ‘Animal Basics’ offers a service which approaches each case individually. Janet works closely with the whole family, their animal or animals and their veterinary surgeon to get a full understanding of the problem.  Health and clinical problems can affect behaviour, which is why it is important to liaise with the vet.  It is like a jigsaw puzzle and she needs all the pieces to get a full picture and determine a course of action.  But it is essential to keep an open mind right from the beginning.

Training is extremely rewarding and it should be fun too, for you and your dog, and it should be part of everyday life. If it becomes a chore, then you need to ask yourself why.

Individual Training Sessions

These are held either at Periton Park (Minehead) the client’s home, or other appropriate outdoor locations. Each session is a minimum of 1 hour and considers the needs, ability and requirements of both client and their dog/s.

Behavioural Consultation 

These help with the needs of you and your dog or cat. Each case is approached on an individual basis through veterinary referral. Cases come either directly via veterinary practices or via the owner; in this instance I will contact your veterinary practice with your permission.  

Public liability and professional indemnity insurance is held.

For all group training sessions click below